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Phonics - the lever of civilisation.
The evolution of oppositional thumbs and an erect stature have been fundamental developments in mankind, but when the ancients suggested...

Express yourself! Prosodic reading and why it is so important.
For reading to be fluent it must be accurate, at a reasonable rate and prosodic (Kuhn and Stahl, 2003). Accuracy and speed pertain to...

Why performance management doesn't manage to perform.
Is there anyone out there whose heart does not sink at the thought of setting performance management objectives?Is there anyone who does...

Efficacy vs intuition - phonics goes for a knockout blow in the late 19th century but is floored by
By the late nineteenth century in the United States the vice-like grip of the whole-word method on initial reading instruction and the...

Reading for pleasure? How about reading for intellect?
Research seems to conclude emphatically that ‘reading for pleasure’ has huge literacy-related, social and cultural benefits. It...

Poor reading fluency = no university place.
You want your students to go university. Of course you do. That's why you track them so carefully. So what are you tracking? Well,...

Phonics in KS2 - The 'later' catastrophe.
The phonics screening check at the end of Year 1 is arguably the most important assessment in primary education. The ability to master...

Why teachers won't teach children to read or...Marx would have taught synthetic phonics.
‘Once you learn to read you will be forever free,’ is the quotation by Frederick Douglass (2017, p1) that adorns numerous primary school...

A school-led system will never improve schools.
School-led school improvement? Such a catchy title, such an enticing concept: great schools helping failing schools to improve. The...
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